Your legal form: Ltd. with CashLtd. with GoodsLLC with CashLLC with GoodsSole ProprietorshipGeneral Partnership Unique partner offers so that you profit even moreWith us, you not only benefit from reductions on start-up - but also from exclusive partner offers for founders via Fasoon. Choose your partner with no obligation whatsoever.Your company formation Selected Partners CHF 0.- × Total: CHF 0.- Overview scope of delivery Set up Special Offer You save % Add Remove Special Offer You save % Add Remove Special Offer You save % Add Remove Special Offer You save % Add Remove CLOSE Scope of deliveryThese services are included free of charge.InclusiveOnline consulting sessionCommercial register applicationPowers of attorneyNotary feesDispatch of all documents to the commercial registerReview of the entry in the commercial registerApplication form for the AHVPreparation of the statutesPreparation of the memorandum and articles of associationLex-Friedrich and Stampa declarationsCreation of share registerWaiver Statutory auditorsNon-cash contribution agreement (foundations with contribution in kind)Founders report (Foundations with contribution in kind)These are the additional costs you have to expect.ExclusiveAuthentication of Signature (per signature)ca. CHF 20.–Commercial register feesCHF 700.– to 900.–Costs for capital payment accountCHF 200.- to 400.-Audit confirmation of the contribution in kindCHF 500.– to 1000.–These services are included free of charge.InclusiveOnline consulting sessionCommercial register applicationPowers of attorneyNotary feesDispatch of all documents to the commercial registerReview of the entry in the commercial registerApplication form for the AHVPreparation of the statutesPreparation of the memorandum and articles of associationLex-Friedrich and Stampa declarationsCreation of share registerWaiver Statutory auditorsNon-cash contribution agreement (foundations with contribution in kind)Founders report (Foundations with contribution in kind)These are the additional costs you have to expect.ExclusiveAuthentication of Signature (per signature)ca. CHF 20.–Commercial register feesCHF 700.– bis 900.–Costs for capital payment accountCHF 200.- to 400.-Audit confirmation of the contribution in kindCHF 500.– to 1000.–These services are included free of charge.InclusiveOnline consulting sessionCommercial register applicationPowers of attorneyNotary feesDispatch of all documents to the commercial registerReview of the entry in the commercial registerApplication form for the AHVPreparation of the statutesPreparation of the memorandum and articles of associationLex-Friedrich and Stampa declarationsCreation of share registerWaiver Statutory auditorsNon-cash contribution agreement (foundations with contribution in kind)Founders report (Foundations with contribution in kind)These are the additional costs you have to expect.ExclusiveAuthentication of Signature (per signature)ca. CHF 20.–Commercial register feesCHF 700.– to 900.–Costs for capital payment accountCHF 200.- to 400.-Audit confirmation of the contribution in kindCHF 500.– to 1000.–These services are included free of charge.InclusiveOnline consulting sessionCommercial register applicationPowers of attorneyNotary feesDispatch of all documents to the commercial registerReview of the entry in the commercial registerApplication form for the AHVPreparation of the statutesPreparation of the memorandum and articles of associationLex-Friedrich and Stampa declarationsCreation of share registerWaiver Statutory auditorsNon-cash contribution agreement (foundations with contribution in kind)Founders report (Foundations with contribution in kind)These are the additional costs you have to expect.ExclusiveAuthentication of Signature (per signature)ca. CHF 20.–Commercial register feesCHF 700.– to 900.–Costs for capital payment accountCHF 200.- to 400.-Audit confirmation of the contribution in kindCHF 500.– to 1000.–These services are included free of charge.InclusiveOnline consulting sessionCommercial register applicationPowers of attorneyNotary feesDispatch of all documents to the commercial registerReview of the entry in the commercial registerApplication form for the AHVPreparation of the statutesPreparation of the memorandum and articles of associationLex-Friedrich and Stampa declarationsCreation of share registerWaiver Statutory auditorsNon-cash contribution agreement (foundations with contribution in kind)Founders report (Foundations with contribution in kind)These are the additional costs you have to expect.ExclusiveAuthentication of Signature (per signature)ca. CHF 20.–Commercial register feesCHF 700.– to 900.–Costs for capital payment accountCHF 200.- to 400.-Audit confirmation of the contribution in kindCHF 500.– to 1000.–These services are included free of charge.InclusiveOnline consulting sessionCommercial register applicationPowers of attorneyNotary feesDispatch of all documents to the commercial registerReview of the entry in the commercial registerApplication form for the AHVPreparation of the statutesPreparation of the memorandum and articles of associationLex-Friedrich and Stampa declarationsCreation of share registerWaiver Statutory auditorsNon-cash contribution agreement (foundations with contribution in kind)Founders report (Foundations with contribution in kind)These are the additional costs you have to expect.ExclusiveAuthentication of Signature (per signature)ca. CHF 20.–Commercial register feesCHF 700.– to 900.–Costs for capital payment accountCHF 200.- to 400.-Audit confirmation of the contribution in kindCHF 500.– to 1000.– CLOSE Carefree-packageEverything for a successful startOpen a UBS business account (incl. free capital deposit account, free business account in the 1st year and free prepaid credit card in the 1st year). You save CHF 500. (More information about the offer)Insurance consultancy from Baloise ( identification of the most common insurance solutions in your sector with no obligation to buy)Advice on optimising your telecommunications costs from Alptel (no obligation to buy)Consulting for web presence incl. website, booking system, online shop and central management of customer reviews (no obligation to purchase)Company profile on the well-known search engines, map services and navigation systems (Google, bing,, etc.)Company profile on Startup-index.chUBSThe all-inclusive package for your companyIncluding business and current account, prepaid cardNot cumulative with the Carefree packageThe banking package for entrepreneursThe Swiss premiere: exactly the accounts and cards from UBS that will take your business further.The perfect banking package with numerous benefits such as a free capital deposit account, a business prepaid card and much more.Fasoon opens a free capital payment account for you with UBS and you benefit of a price reduction of 20% towards the Fasoon start-up price.Your advantagesfree capital payment accountfree business account in the 1st yearfree prepaid credit card in the 1st yearFasoon is organizing the opening of the accountBaloise BaloiseNicht kumulierbar mit dem Sorglos-PaketBaloise übernimmt bis zu 35% Ihrer GründungskostenSeit mehr als fünf Jahren sind Fasoon und Baloise zusammen starke Partner für Schweizer Gründerinnen und Gründer.Ihre Vorteile:Schliessen Sie eine Versicherung bei Baloise ab und sparen Sie bis zu 35% auf die Kosten Ihrer Firmengründung bei Fasoon. Kostenloser KMU Versicherungs-Check: bietet attraktive Vorteile für Gründerinnen und Gründer: Sie können zum Beispiel gratis eine eigene Website erstellen, Sie erhalten Zugang zu einer Business-Software und Sie profitieren von kostenfreien Coaching-Angeboten.Rundum-Beratung für einen sicheren Start in die Selbständigkeit: Die Expertinnen und Experten von Baloise beraten Sie kostenlos und unverbindlich, damit Sie wissen, welche Versicherungslösungen in Ihrer Branche sinnvoll sind. Jetzt ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch vereinbaren FiduciaryIf you decide to work with one of our fiduciary partners and sign a mandate agreement, the fiduciary company will cover 50% of your Fasoon start-up costs.Here you can find a current overview of our fiduciary partners: